Our Bulldogs love Children
Please note: NEVER leave your child
unattended with any dog. Remember that they are dogs and as well
as you think you know your dog, he can still act or re-act in a way that
you did not expect or intend.
Please always maintain control of
your dog. He is your responsibility....oh, and the same goes for
the child :)

Malachi/Jazz male "BooRegard" Loves His
Amos / Kitty Male
Born July 2019
Lives in Bethlehem, PA
Where He Bonds
More Every Day
With Troy

Monte / Callie pup with his pack leader,
"Kitty" Tolerates Dress Up
Because She LOVES her BFF Abbey!

Malachi/Panda pup "Blue" and BFF "JC" bonding in Bridgeport,
CT................at night JC prays, "God, thank you for Blue"
Malachi / Cash Male Pup "Dozer" born Jan
Owner, Nicole writes, "Dozer is such a good boy,
especially with our new baby...I love that he is such a cuddler!
We just wanted to write and thank you again for letting him be
part of our family."
Malachi / Brick Male "Randy" born June 2018 Lives With His Family In
Of course, Laura Kennels AB's think they ARE the children...
